Sunday, March 4, 2012

Just a Random Post Because I Have Nothing Better to do

Alright. I know I haven't posted in a number of days, so here you go. I don't have a plan or a topic for this specific blog post, so I'll just go with it. At my school, there is a Campus Crusade for Christ chapter. I'm pretty involved in it; I go to the big meeting, the smaller, just freshman guys meeting, and I'm also in a 1  on 1 discipleship with the leader of my small group. Recently, my discipleship leader told me that writing/underlining in my Bible would help me study. I decided to try it during my quiet time. Let me tell you that it's really effective. Let me also tell you that you should take into account the stability of the furniture you and your Bible are on, your fine motor skills, whether or not your hands shake some, and the size of the print in your Bible. If all of those are questionable, you may want to use a different Bible. I was on a slightly rickety dorm room bed, having just woken up, writing in a Bible with size 8 font. Needless to say, some words in Galatians are now a bit difficult to read...

On Tuesday night, I played my second game of Ultimate Frisbee ever. I've decided that I love it. Ultimate is sort of a cross between soccer and football that's played with a frisbee. If any of you have played Flickerball, it's a lot like that without the tagging. It's really difficult, but fun no matter how well you do. Heck, I had fun my first time, and I was playing with a broken finger on my good hand. But we played for a good two hours, and the next day I could barely move. I dove for the disc about 7-8 times, and ended up with various cuts and scrapes, but I somehow managed to land on one part of my ankle every time. It has turned into a big spot on my leg that has some qualities of an infection and some qualities of an alien invasion. For example, it was partly green for a bit. And today in the shower, the middle of the scab just got all wet and gross and fell off. My roommate is convinced that one day it will develop limbs and crawl off my leg and try to eat him. I think it's a legitimate possibility. Which is unfortunate because he was nice enough to take me to the hospital two weeks ago when I was starting to go blind from pink eye. Here's a picture of my horrific injury for your enjoyment:

Ok, so it doesn't look that bad. But you have no idea. All the protective covering that made it look so bad is gone. And I found bits of turf rubber in it that I had to dig out two days after. So that was fun. And it HURTS, you guys!

On Friday night, I went to go see Contraband at the school movie theater with some people I met playing Ultimate. How did Kate survive? I mean, after Sebastian accidentally knocked her against the counter, I figured "Oh, she can't be dead." And then when her finger twitched I knew she would make it. But then he had her wrapped in plastic for like 5 hours and he dumped her down that mold for the concrete machine thing. Anyway, that bugged me. I'm glad she made it, though. And Mark Wahlburg is an amazing actor.

Last night, I played racquetball for the first time in about a month and a half. I still haven't found anybody who can beat me consistently at this school. Which makes me weep for mankind. Because I'm not all that great. And apparently Roommate is afraid of racquetball... Nobody knows why. The sensation of acceleration (provided he's not driving) scares him, too. And he never drives fast, so he never gets to experience the wonders of speed.

Here, enjoy this picture that I found:

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